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9 Cheap Ways To Make Over Your Bedroom


We’ve all heard of spring cleaning, but what about fall redecorating? Probably not, since I’m pretty sure I just made it up. But, even though it’s not a real thing, it really should be. Fall is the perfect time to redecorate and re-style your room, because with the new season comes change and change is GOOD! You don’t want to be stuck with your same old boring room when the winter months come and you are stuck inside on a snowy day, watching Netflix in bed for 12 hours. The least you can do is keep your room looking cute and cozy! Giving your bedroom a make over doesn’t have to be super pricey, and this post is

Now, obviously there are a ton of ways you can change up your room: you can rearrange your furniture, or hang some pictures on the wall. You might think there’s only so much you can do for free, but the truth is, a few small changes are sometimes all you need to make your room look updated and fun. Luckily, there are some easy and cheap ways to give your room a little face lift, without spending hundreds. You’ll be surprised to learn just how different your room can look after one or two tiny changes. Here are some super easy ways to give your room a much-needed make over, for super cheap! In fact, all of these easy updates are under $20, so it’s really easy on your wallet. So, really, you have no excuse to not switch up your bed room a little bit.

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Are you going to try any of these cheap updates? Tell us in the comments!

You can follow the author, Nina Braca, on Twitter or Instagram

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