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24 Aesthetically Pleasing Bullet Journal Layout Ideas That Will Inspire You


If you haven’t caught on to the bullet journal trend, uh, what are you waiting for?

Maybe you have not yet heard of a bullet journal, or you’ve seen examples of them, you just aren’t exactly sure what they are. A bullet journal is, essentially, a planner, diary, tracker, and organizer all in one. It can be anything you want it to be, whether it’s full of to-do lists or doodles or habit tracking lists or calendars of reminders or all of those things. Bullet journals are meant to keep you very, very organized in the most aesthetically pleasing way possible. You see, a great bullet journal isn’t just about keeping you on top of your very busy schedule – it’s also about being put together in an artistic, calming way. It is a new level of stationary porn.

So, it makes sense that bullet journal layout ideas are so important when it comes to the art of the BuJo (this is the popular term for the bullet journal community, and don’t you look at me like that because I did not make it up). If you really want to succeed at bullet journaling, you need to learn how to make the pages of it look gorgeous. I mean, you don’t need to, but that’s part of the fun! Bullet journals are supposed to be about creativity and organization coming together.

I have a bullet journal of my own, and I am still trying to figure out the *perfect* layout. I’ve been playing around with my options, switching things up, staying with what works, and getting rid of what doesn’t. Of course putting this together takes up a lot of my time, but when it helps keep me on top of my sh*t, it’s worth it. Plus, it’s weirdly soothing to create. Need some inspiration or convincing? Here are some aesthetically pleasing bullet journal layouts that will make you want one of your own:

1. Keep things simple, organized, and nice to look at by doing two days on each page. 



This keeps pages from becoming overwhelmingly full of info and still looks good. The little boxes to track your mood can be used to track anything you want and are a nice touch.


2. If you prefer things to be more spread out, put each day on its own page. 



This gives you room to add a lot of information, and to do some nice doodling too.


3. And, to be clear, you don’t need to use a lot of info on one page either. You can keep it simple, like this:



Putting your to-do list at the top of the page and everything else at the bottom keeps things in order.


4. Another option: put every day of the week on one page. 




If you don’t have a lot to keep track of or write, then you don’t need as much room. So why waste the paper?


5. One layout option is to reserve a few pages for your bigger goals. 



This keeps them from getting buried in daily to-do lists and helps you keep track of your progress in a more efficient way.


6. Keep things simple with just to-do lists if you want, like so: 



You’ll notice that most of the bullet journal layouts you’ll see here or online include doodles, elaborate designs, and lots of different trackers. But your bullet journal doesn’t have to be that complex! Keep things this simple if you want.


7. Try something totally different if you don’t want to go traditional, like this format:



If you want to get creative, do it! It’s your journal, you don’t need to make lists.


8. One fun layout idea is to make separate lists of fun things, like a happy list. 



This gives your bujo some life instead of just being about tasks.


9. You can even get super creative with it, like this cool reading list:




10. Create a monthly calendar like this to keep track of special moments: 



This is a nice looking way to keep track of the best parts of each day.


11. Instead of doing daily pages, try a weekly page layout. 



Giving each day its own space on one side and putting more general tasks on the other is a good way to stay organized.


12. Or, again, give each day its own page. Use boxes and timed lists to really stay on top of things. 



You can print these out or create them yourself.


13. Reminder: getting as creative as possible is encouraged! 




14. A monthly layout is a good way to set goals and habits and keep track of them. 



Spreading one month over two pages is a good way to keep things in their own boxes.


15. Keep track of what you have going on for the month on two pages with this calendar layout. 



Instead of flipping around to find events, they’re all in one place.


16. Similarly, you can keep your tracking all in one place instead of scattered throughout your bujo. 



Daily trackers can be hard to follow, but when they’re all in one place, it makes it easier to see progress.


17. Or, you can give each habit or goal its own page instead of putting them all on one. 




18. Keep things streamlined with to-do lists and one other image or tracker. 




19. Use two pages to set up this weekly layout, with days on top and other notes below. 



It looks good and keeps you organized!


20. Use dividers in your layouts to keep things from getting confusing. 




21. Make a chart or graphic to keep track of things instead of a list.




22. Give each day its own little box of space. 



I love the little calendar at the bottom – it makes it easy to stay up to date.


23. Or make things more fluid and doodle everywhere. 



Lots of color and drawings make bujos look more fun!


24. Make one giant to-do list for the week, then add little notes for each day. 



This is a popular option because it’s efficient, simple, and aesthetically pleasing.

Which bullet journal layout idea is your favorite? Do you have a bullet journal? Let us know in the comments.

You can follow the author, Jessica Booth, on Twitter or Instagram.

18 Tips On How To Have The Most Organized Planner

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