Channel: How To – Gurl.com
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15 College Life Tips No One Else Tells You


If you’re about to enter college or just did, I’m sure you’ve heard all the usual advice: don’t buy your books in the bookstore! Get a meal plan or bring your own food so you save money! Rate your professors before picking classes! Actually go to class! Take advantage of office hours! And while that is all well and good, that advice gets old fast, and you’re still left wondering how to survive your college years without self-destructing.

That’s where this Reddit thread comes in. The great thing about Reddit is that the users will talk about literally anything, so you know their advice is good – they’ll tell you the stuff that no one else will. Here are 15 college life tips you need to know now:

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Which of these tips did you think was the most helpful? Which do you disagree with? What did we forget? Tell me in the comments!

You can follow the author, Jessica Booth, on Twitter or Instagram.


15 mistakes you’ll make in college that you’ll regret later

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