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14 Genius DIY Halloween Costumes That Take Five Minutes To Make


I love Halloween costumes. I think they’re (normally) really fun and I always like to see what everyone decides to get dressed as. But, as someone who is very lazy, it can be hard for me to put something together in time for Halloween. I spend hours looking through Halloween costume posts and am amazed at some people’s creative ideas, but when it comes to my actual costume, I tend to draw a blank. People with elaborate makeup look amazing, but I don’t have the time or skill to do any of that. I don’t want to be that girl who doesn’t dress up, but I also want to do something that is easy and still unique. It can be hard to have an awesome costume when you’re lazy AF.

Gone are the days where you head to the costume store and pay too much for an itchy polyester costume. It may not have been as fun, but it certainly didn’t take as much time! But here is some good news: there are some really simple costumes that will take you less than five minutes to put together, so you can wait until the last minute to decide what to wear, which is what always happens to us lazy girls anyway. Take a look at these genius costume ideas that will take little-to-no effort.

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Which of these costumes are you going to wear? Tell us in the comments!

You can follow the author, Nina Braca, on Twitter or Instagram

13 DIY Costumes Using A Black Dress

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The post 14 Genius DIY Halloween Costumes That Take Five Minutes To Make appeared first on Gurl.com.

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