We are about halfway through the month of October, which means there are a little over two weeks left until the best night of the year: Halloween. It’s exciting, right?! The air is getting colder (in many parts of the world, anyway) and Halloween candy is being sold by the pounds. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. But, for people who haven’t had time to DIY their own cool costume, or people who have just been too lazy, time is running out. You don’t want to show up to the Halloween party wearing no costume at all, but you also don’t really want to spend hours DIYing a complicated costume that you will only wear once. So, what do you do?
The answer is actually pretty simple: raid your closet for some plain t-shirts and find the perfect costume that will take you very minimal effort. Don’t think you can make an awesome costume with just a t-shirt? No offense, but you’re wrong! There are a ton of cute and clever ways to DIY a costume from a t-shirt that will make all of your friends jealous. Take a look at these cute and easy DIY costumes using just a t-shirt. Happy Halloween!
Heart Eyes Emoji
You can easily create this popular emoji with a plain yellow t-shirt, then draw on some heart eyes and a mouth. It's cute and relevant to anyone who owns a smartphone...which is most of us, right? SourceWatermelon
If you've got a plain pink shirt, you've got a cute fruit costume. Line the bottom with green paint, then draw on some black seeds for a simple last-minute t-shirt costume that will make all your friends crave watermelons. Can you blame them? Watermelon is delicious. SourceStrawberry
Keeping with the fruit theme, a strawberry shirt is super easy to create: all you need is a red shirt and some white paint or even a fabric marker for the seeds. You can wear a green headband for a stem if you're feeling ~creative~. SourceSalt And Pepper
If you're looking for an easy couples costume, try being a salt and pepper shaker with your BFF or bae. All you need are two plain t-shirts and a stencil to trace your letters and you're good to go! SourceDomino
For a reallllly easy costume, take a plain white t-shirt and add some dots. Ta-da! You're a domino. Get some friends in on it with you if you want to have a cool group costume. You can even play human dominoes, if you're into that. SourceJack-O-Lantern
I think we have all dressed up as a pumpkin at least once in our lives, and for good reason: it's super easy to make and a classic Halloween costume for any lazy girl heading to a costume party. Just draw a jack-o-lantern face onto an orange shirt and you're good! SourceM&Ms
This one is easy for a group or solo costume. You can pick any color M&M, or even make one up! Are there pink M&M's? Who knows, but if you have a pink shirt and add an "M" on it, you have a perfect costume. SourceSpooky Skeleton
You can be spooky without having to wear an elaborate costume! Try this easy skeleton shirt. Our Do It Gurl star Jamie did a video tutorial here that you should watch ASAP. SourceCandy Button
You know those candy buttons you used to eat as a kid? I'm not sure if they still make them, but it makes for a cute and simple DIY costume. All you need is a plain white shirt, some paint and some ping pong balls! SourceBloody Zombie
You can do a lot with a t-shirt covered in fake blood and rips in it. It's creepy and super easy to make! Pair it with some spooky zombie makeup for a perfect costume. Source');
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Which of these easy costumes are you going to try? Tell us in the comments!
You can follow the author, Nina Braca, on Twitter or Instagram
18 Reasons Why Halloween Is Overrated
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