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10 Clever DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Make Using A Plain T-Shirt


We are about halfway through the month of October, which means there are a little over two weeks left until the best night of the year: Halloween. It’s exciting, right?! The air is getting colder (in many parts of the world, anyway) and Halloween candy is being sold by the pounds. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. But, for people who haven’t had time to DIY their own cool costume, or people who have just been too lazy, time is running out. You don’t want to show up to the Halloween party wearing no costume at all, but you also don’t really want to spend hours DIYing a complicated costume that you will only wear once. So, what do you do?

The answer is actually pretty simple: raid your closet for some plain t-shirts and find the perfect costume that will take you very minimal effort. Don’t think you can make an awesome costume with just a t-shirt? No offense, but you’re wrong! There are a ton of cute and clever ways to DIY a costume from a t-shirt that will make all of your friends jealous. Take a look at these cute and easy DIY costumes using just a t-shirt. Happy Halloween!

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Which of these easy costumes are you going to try? Tell us in the comments!

You can follow the author, Nina Braca, on Twitter or Instagram

18 Reasons Why Halloween Is Overrated

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