Out of all of the most cliche Halloween costumes, being a Disney princess is definitely one of the most popular options. There are so many to choose from and each of them have their own unique color scheme and personality. It’s kind of a perfect costume, IMO. The only thing bad about Disney princess costumes is the fact that they’re so popular. You’re bound to run into another princess at some point during the Halloween festivities, and some might be the same princess as you, even in the same outfit! It’s obviously not the end of the world, but accidentally twinning with someone can be a bummer for anyone who’s looking to do something that stands out. Luckily, there are some unique ways to dress as a Disney princess that won’t make you look like everyone else.
Disney princesses are so iconic and popular, which means they are easily recognizable even when you’re not wearing a “typical” princess costume. This means you can get a little creative with your costume! You’ll be amazed at how much little changes can make an already good princess costume even better. There are so many ways to go above and beyond that it’s silly not to take advantage of them. The best part is that they can either be solo costumes or with a group of other princesses. The possibilities are endless! So, take a look at these unique ways to have an awesome DIY Disney princess costume this year. You definitely won’t be boring!
Superhero Princess
Who says you have to decide between being a superhero and Snow White? Add a cape to your princess costume for a unique spin on the classic Disney princesses. SourceHipster Princesses
This was a pretty big thing a few years ago, but apparently it's still a popular costume. Add some glasses to any modern princess costume to make it more "hipster." SourceDead Princess
This makeup artist imagined what would happen if the Disney princesses were actually killed in their stories. For example, Cinderella was killed by a glass slipper. Ouch. But it makes a really unique and creepy costume. SourcePrincess Makeup
If you're going for a more subtle princess look without having to actually wear a costume, try out one of these awesome eye makeup looks inspired by the princesses themselves. SourceClueless Princesses
Try a Clueless-inspired princess costumes this year. Wear plaid skirts and do your best Cher Horowitz Impression (yell "As IF" to anyone who tried to talk to you, of course). Keep your hair and color scheme the same as the normal princesses so that people will actually get what you are being. SourceTutu Princess
Ditch the fancy princess dresses and wear some tutus this Halloween. Pair a tube top and a tutu for this easy look. You can pick up some tule at a craft store and make your own tutu if you want to get a little more creative! SourceGoth Princess
You can make any Disney princess more "goth" by adding some black accessories to contrast their normal brightly-colored costumes. This goth Snow White looks amazing- and creepy! SourcePinup Princess
Give your princess a '60s inspired look by adding polka dots and high-waisted skirts to resemble a pinup model. Chic and easy! SourceZombie Princesses
You can't have a Halloween without a few zombies, right? These princess zombies are amazing and incredibly creepy. You can add some fake blood and gore makeup to make your princesses look like the came straight out of a zombie movie. SourceFlapper Princesses
If you want your princesses to have a roaring twenties vibe, try out this flapper look! Add some pearls and curls to your hair for an awesome look, straight out of The Great Gatsby. Source');
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Which of these Disney princess costumes are you going to try? Tell us in the comments!
You can follow the author, Nina Braca, on Twitter or Instagram
18 Creative DIY Ways To Dress Like An Alien This Halloween
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