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10 Unique DIY Disney Princess Costumes That Aren’t Boring


Out of all of the most cliche Halloween costumes, being a Disney princess is definitely one of the most popular options. There are so many to choose from and each of them have their own unique color scheme and personality. It’s kind of a perfect costume, IMO. The only thing bad about Disney princess costumes is the fact that they’re so popular. You’re bound to run into another princess at some point during the Halloween festivities, and some might be the same princess as you, even in the same outfit! It’s obviously not the end of the world, but accidentally twinning with someone can be a bummer for anyone who’s looking to do something that stands out. Luckily, there are some unique ways to dress as a Disney princess that won’t make you look like everyone else.

Disney princesses are so iconic and popular, which means they are easily recognizable even when you’re not wearing a “typical” princess costume. This means you can get a little creative with your costume! You’ll be amazed at how much little changes can make an already good princess costume even better. There are so many ways to go above and beyond that it’s silly not to take advantage of them. The best part is that they can either be solo costumes or with a group of other princesses. The possibilities are endless! So, take a look at these unique ways to have an awesome DIY Disney princess costume this year. You definitely won’t be boring!

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Which of these Disney princess costumes are you going to try? Tell us in the comments!

You can follow the author, Nina Braca, on Twitter or Instagram

18 Creative DIY Ways To Dress Like An Alien This Halloween

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